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Below is a select list of Penn-wide confidential resources, adapted from Penn Violence Protection and the SEAS wellness resource page. For a full and comprehensive list of on-campus resources, please click here.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

3624 Market Street, 1st Floor West

Phone: 215-898-7021 (or 215-349-5490 during nights and weekends – ask for CAPS counselor on call)

CAPS offers confidential, 24/7, free professional mental health services for undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at Penn.


Penn Violence Prevention (Confidential)

3611 Locust Walk

Phone: 215-746-2642

Penn Violence Prevention is a collaborative program that aims to engage the Penn community in the prevention of sexual violence, relationship violence, and stalking on campus.


Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

125 Towne Building

Phone: 215-898-7084

ODI offers a variety of programming and services for undergraduate and graduate engineering students to retain, support, and recruit underrepresented and minority students and faculty. 


Weingarten Learning Resources Center

For Student Disabilities Services and Learning Resources: Stouffer Commons, Suite 300

3702 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6027

For Tutoring Services: 220 South 40th Street, Suite 260

SDS and Learning Resources phone: 215-573-9235

Tutoring Services phone: 215-898-8596

WLRC provides learning resources including study strategies, academic reading and writing skills, and tutoring services to students. Students with disabilities can receive access to services and programming that helps to ensure equal academic experience and opportunities. 
